Disclosure Notices

Please call 718.939.7500

Facility Owners

Mayer Laufer
Issac Madeb
Gerald Neuman
Michael Nichols
Nancy Nichols
Rikvah Rubenstein
Alexander Skoczylas
Joseph Skoczylas
Estate of Tali Skoczylas


Room Type Rate
Private 520.00
Semi-Private 490.00
4 Bed Room 445.00

Max Private Rate (before Therapy) 520.00

Service Rate
Therapy per hour 120.00
VENT 1045.00

Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy

It is the policy of this facility not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sex, gender, handicap, disability, blindness, source of sponsorship, source of payment, marital status, age, sexual preference, genetic predisposition, or carrier status in employment in the admission retention and care of residents and patients. All persons and organizations that have occasion to either refer prospective residents or patents to this facility are advised to follow this non-discriminatory policy.


Landlord L.I.C.C. Realty Co.
Laboratory Northwell Health
Pharmacy Specialty RX
Xray Precision Health
Dental Dentserv
Medical Director Dr William Duke
Laundry N/A
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